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“Shopaholic” is a term people use lightly. It can mean compulsive shopping, shopping addiction, or buying things you don’t need. Another term used is Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD). For some people, their shopping addiction can cause regret, financial stress, or feelings of not being in control. If you think you are a compulsive shopper, Tele CBT for compulsive shoppers can help.

Mary Cross, MSW RSW
Mary Cross, CBT Therapist

Common Signs of Compulsive Buying Disorder or “Shopping Addiction”

  • Spending beyond what you can afford
  • Regretting your purchases
  • Hiding what you bought from a loved one
  • Feeling compelled to buy things
  • Buying things when you feel sad, angry or bored.
  • You’ve tried to cut back, but it hasn’t worked

We live in a North American consumer culture that encourages us to shop. Buying things can feel nurturing, can help us feel special or that we accomplished something. Also, we need to buy essentials. We all need to shop. So it’s not shopping, but over shopping due to compulsive buying that you might want help with.

CBT Triangle
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving.”


  1. I’ll get to know you, your background, and understand you.
  2. Together we look at how much you shop, why you shop, and how it is affecting you.
  3. We then make a plan that fits your values and budget around shopping.

Tele CBT for “shopping addiction” can help. If you are unsure, or want to discuss your unique situation, please book a free consult.

For more about me, my fees, length of therapy, payment methods etc., please go to my HOME PAGE

CONTACT ME – by phone or text (226) 770-0336, or email